I just finished day 3 of the 14-15 SY. We had Meet the Teacher last Tuesday and I decided to go paperless. As a parent myself I know how much paper a parent can come home with after meeting a myriad of teachers. I saw on Pinterest how teachers had used QR Codes for back to school. I thought that was such a great idea and decided to try it out myself.
I have five sections of World History this year. I put out five groups of QR Codes with their corresponding class rosters. As you can see in the picture I have four different QR Codes: one for my email, one for my school webpage, one for this site that takes the parents to the intro video and then one for the Reminder text service (more about that in a later post). I think the QR codes were well received. Some parents and students needed to download the QR codes but that did not deter them from capturing the information on their device.
Keeping with the theme of this post, I thought I'd post a picture of "VirginiaWorldHistoryTeacher" so you could meet me!
Happy Teaching!
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