Friday, August 23, 2013

Information Wall

This year I have tried another room management tool.  I used to divide the far end of my board with tape or borders.  In those divisions I would put the date, whether it was an "A" or "B" day (those determine which classes we see that day), homework, the SOL number/letter and reminders.

I decided to try a system that a few of my friends use; I added a twist.  My friends have laminated papers, glue them on the wall and then write their homework on the laminated paper.

Earlier in the summer I bought decorated half posters and then laminated them.  I hot glued them to the wall.  I used punch-out letters to signal the day of the week.  In the top left corner, I write the date and the SOL number/letter in the top right.  I also write their homework on the poster board.  To let the students know which day it is I have different colored punch-out letters to designate "A" days or "B" days.

My Information Wall
Each Monday they write their homework for the week.  Right now I verify agendas by signing them.  As the year goes on I will change the verification process and check them less often.  My hope is that this will lead to independence.  In the end...isn't that what we want?

Happy Teaching!

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