On Monday, we watched the Khan Academy video about the Pantheon. The students were encouraged to take notes as I stopped it and discussed. We discussed that a structure like the Pantheon would have been impossible to make with Greek post and lintel construction. The video can be found here.
On Wednesday, I had the students divide into groups of two or three. I gave them six cups, a sheet of construction paper, and scissors. They had the class period to make their "working" aqueduct. The requirements were the aqueducts had to have arches, no adhesive and a small glue cap had to run down the aqueduct. The only grading guidelines I gave had to do with behavior. If I had to speak to a student about their behavior or redirect a student I would deduct 5 points per discussion. I only had to take points away from three students. Overall it was a great lesson!
Here are some pictures:
Here is a video of one of my favorites!
I got this idea from this online lesson.
Happy Teaching!